Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Adventures in Cleaning, Cooking and Frugality

Cleaning: Wow, have I been busy the last few weeks! I've been working my usual 2 days a week in the hospital and spending the rest of my time working at home. I am following FlyLady daily routines more closely and it is making a big difference in our home. I feel encouraged and hopeful. I feel as if I really might get back to some sort of normalcy in my home. What a wonderful feeling! Just today I cleaned all of my kitchen cabinets, door frames and trim. I wiped down the refrigerator and the louver doors of my laundry room. I had two loads of laundry out on the clothes line before 10am.

Cooking: We did something new this past month, we ordered a fruit and veggie box from Angel Food Ministries. They have a new "Latin Flavors" box, and it was well worth the money! We have very much enjoyed it and have already ordered our "Latin Flavors" box for June. On Sunday, I cooked Chicken and Chayote with some of the chayote squash, onions, garlic, potatoes and calabacita that came in the box. I also made Calabacita bread for dessert. Oh my, it was good! I made the Calabacita bread with unrefined sugar, organic eggs and organic whole spelt flour. It was not only good to eat, but good for you. Husband and I even had leftovers for lunch at work yesterday.

Frugality: Since making my own laundry detergent was such a success, I decided to try making my own liquid hand soap. I used the recipe found here. I used two 3oz bars of Nivea soap that I found at Big Lots. It was some that I bought for the bath, but didn't like it as much as other bath soap, it was a wonderfully moisturizing bath bar so I thought it would make a great moisturizing hand soap. I was very surprised, it was easy to make and made the mose luxurious feeling hand soap.

Here is a picture of it when I just finished making it. You can see how much it made, that is a gallon size ice cream bucket.

And here is my beautiful, frugally made, hand soap in the dispenser on my bathroom counter. It was fun and easy to make the soap, not very different from making my own laundry detergent, but a smaller batch.


  1. I must admit, I never made my own cleaning supplies. I baked all my own bread when I was in grad school and made almost all Neal's baby food before he graduated to gumming up soft regular food, and I used cloth diapers, but do-it-yourself only goes so far for me. I try to make up for it by using cleaning supplies rather rarely ;).


  2. I've been trying to do daily quick cleans, erasing the evidence, and cooking in batches for the week (and the freezer). I love what Flylady does, but I just need to clean the counter more than the baseboards, so I can't bring myself to follow her exactly. Still, following a plan (any plan, including hers) helps tremendously!

  3. I missed the link the first time I read this post. What does the honey do? What is glycerin water and where would I find it?

  4. I did a lot of reading before I chose this recipe, I can't remember now what the honey does. It is probably as a skin protectant/ moisturizer, but I'm sure you could google it. You can buy liquid glycerin in the pharmacy section of most stores. I found mine at Wal-Mart. I did have to ask where it was though. :-)
