Thursday, September 17, 2009

Small Victories

My husband and I have been working like mad to put our home office back together or just together....I'm not sure which it should be since we had to move in and out of there three times and it has never been completely together. We still have piles and piles and several boxes to go through, clean out, get rid of and organize what is left but we have come so far! I'm so proud of us! And my dear son, 2 years 7 months now, has been terrific about putting things in the garbage and the recycling box for us.

Next month will be 5 years since I was horribly ill, couldn't get well, found out there was a leak in the slab of my home and there was mold growing in the carpet. I had to pack everything up to move it out of the house. It's been a long journey - finding physical healing, moving my husband home from Texas, Hurricane Katrina, a difficulty pregnancy, a flooded home, a difficult journey into motherhood and Hurricane Gustav are among the biggest highlights. But today.... Today I unpacked the box with my diplomas, my national certification and my state certification. Today they are hanging in my home office.